Reunion 2003 - Page 5
BBQ in St. Lulu's Balibago - Is that chicken, beef, pork or pooch?
One of the many good times at Reunion 2003 in St. Louis was the BBQ. Salamats to Don Orbin for arranging for the picnic site off Fee Fee Road where some of us got Faa Faa but it helped us do Foo Foo sleep.
This pic was already small and a bit blurry (did Shade Tree take this one before his jaunt to the casino?) But, from left is Lulu Gilson, Marv Campbell, Hippo Buhr and Pooh Bear Brown getting ready to fire up. Ooops, maybe Lulu and Pooh had a head start. Anyhoo...this pic does get larger!
Here's the Four Amigos prepping for chow. From left: Mark "Tarzan" Lyvers, Jack "Iron Man" Sverchek, Dickie "Hairball" Meyers, and Gary "Shade Tree" Schade. Jack you're missing your hat and Green badge. And Tarzan and Hairball with no beers. Whassup with dat?
From left: Buzz "Bozo" McManus, Mick Ogulewicz and Hippo join up with Iron man and Shade Tree but add only one more beer to the mix.
Joe "Mouse" "Daga" Fraundorfer and Sharon "Rummy" Wade join the chorus line at the BBQ. From left: Dickie "Hairball" Meyers, Bruce "Zoot" Suits, Bob "Hippo" Buhr (delicately hiding and peeking over Rummy's shoulder), Sharon "Rummy" Wade", Gary "Shade Tree" Schade, Mouse, and Jack "Ironman" Sverchek. Hey Zootman, what's Hippo or Hairball doing behind your back to get you singing in a higher octave?
This is an unusual spotting. Mark "Marco" Vellinga questions an individual looking suspiciously like Mouse. Was it the real Mouse or some perverted impersonator? Maybe Jack Dubrian? Mouse was unjustly accused of hiding during the festivities. Some say it was like "Find Waldo"! But Marco made a connection either with the real Mouse, an impersonator, or some type of alien life form.
Don Orbin acts as Chef Emeril, grilling those burgers while Bob "Zip" Zuchowsky and Joe "Cy" Cybulski offer tips on seasonings and sanitation. Cy looks worried that Don's smoke signals might encourage a Huk attack on the local constabulary. All three reminisce about the BBQ grilled outside the Jug that fortified many of us. CORRECTION: That's  Ralph Rotunno doing the cooking. Those short, grey-haired guys all look alike.
This pic can only be appreciated to the fullest when enlarged so click on it. Mark "Tarzan" Lyvers scarfs his plate of grub. The captions are endless but it looks like Tarzan is being beseiged by marauders after the chow. Looks like Tarzan is about to say something like "Touch my grub and there will be hell to pay!" Does somebody need a time-out? This is what sleep deprivation can do to you.
Kevin "Pooh Bear" Brown, Jim "Tater" Dacus, John "Rock" Blanton, Norm Collins, and P.J. Shingleton all together for the first time since the PI. We could make a bet back then, and probably again, that these crew could drink Balibago dry of Magoo. The tales they could tell about running town are the stuff of best selling books! It's great to see close friends together after all these years.
Pooh Bear and "Chap" Chapital sit on the right watching Hippo and Carol Chapital work on their burgers. Roger Stroeve is on the far left but appears to be in a Zen-like trance. Chap and Pooh Bear seriously consider making space.
This page was last updated on: January 13, 2014
Jim "Tater" Dacus, Rock Blanton, Jon "JC" Brand, and PJ Shingleton styling for the camera. You can tell by the light this was an earlier shot, so the rowdiness had not yet begun. But, PJ may be pissed. One of the other three may have snitched his brew.
Lots of happy BBQers here. From left: "Chap" Chapital, Bill Talbot, Kevin "Pooh Bear" Brown, Don "Newt" Newton, Roger Stroeve, Norm Collins, Joe "Cy" Cybulski (kneeling), Charlie Brown, and J.C. Brand. Hey Roger, whatcha doin' with that cup? Did the Kuyas stop you from going to the benjo and you're using it as a specimen cup?
Mouse, Woody, and Jack Sverchek sharing a laugh, well except Woody who's serious about the beer. Gary "Shade Tree" Schade, Sharon "Rummy" Wade and Hippo are in the background. Is Sharon taking a sniff of Mouse?
Mouse has moved on to Bob "Hippo" Buhr, Gary Shade Tree" Schade and Dickie "Hairball" Meyers. Rummy must have smelled something because Hippo and Hairball appear to be reacting as well.
Don't like that grin on his face!