Page 6 - Reunion 2003 - The Rest of the Best
Here are more Reunion 2003 Pictures -
No Tulu for Lulu in St. Lulu
Buzz getting some sugar from Sharon "Rummy" Wade as Skip Coburn looks away thinking "This is just like the PI. Buzz must have sprung for a Ladies Drink!" Funny, she doesn't look like Carmen Caribao!
Here's Buzz again with Cyndie Ogulewicz. He too much alibangbang bastoos G.I.Cyndie must have missed out on that trip to Graceland with Elvis.
Here's Mouse getting a good laugh. That's the back of Laurie Patafio, so Tim Patafio must have cracked a good one. Remember "Where's Waldo". Tim and Laurie found Mouse which isn't as easy as Waldo.
Cute Group. From the back left to right: Bob "Hippo" Buhr, Dickie "Hairball" Meyers, Gary "ShadeTree" Schade, and Jack "Ironman" Sverchek. Front is Buzz "DCMB" Mc Manus and Mouse (who should stop wearing his hat backwards. You ain't never gonna make it as a rapper. You were much better as "Waldo").
Connie Orbin is surrounded by some heavyweights. Connie is in the center of the picture. Up front from left is Dave "Eartha" Quate, ShadeTree (where's your teeth?), Hippo, and Hairball. In the background from left is Buzz and over Connie's shoulder is
Husband Don (I think based on cranial characteristics) and Ironman.
Gary "ShadeTree" Schade returned to his home town of St. Lulu and was able to play golf with his two brothers during the reunion. Here's Tree with his brother Darryl and his other brother Darryl (Sorry, I just didn't have their real names)
Keith Wise getting ready for the festivities. Keith is asking where the wheelchairs are, just in case! We are much older, you know.
Mark "Tarzan" Lyvers, Ken "Kram" Kramarsic and Mick Ogulewicz moving in like the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Let them figure out who's who for the rest of us.  Laura Meyers (foreground) has no idea of what's approaching her...Run, run, save yourself if you can. What's in the bag, Mick?
Buzz McManus and Norm Collins getting a picture for their modeling portfolios.
This page was last updated on: January 13, 2014
Gary "Shade Tree" Schade with Skip Coburn, Baker Flight Commander. Tree is trying to coax Skip into heading to the Ameristar Casino to fund Tree at the blackjack tables in a partnership. Tree told Skip he had his mojo going strong. Skip, ever the leader, asked Tree if he knew what he could do in his hat.