Kuya Reunion 2004 - Hospitality Suite and Patio Pictures
Page 2 Dalawa
3 of our Kuyas (from left) Norm Collins, Vic "Chili Bean" Kelly and Mark "Tarzan" Lyvers ran into K Sally (convincingly played by Bruce "Zoot" Suits) on the patio. Fortunately for Zootman it wasn't payday, but that didn't preclude some playfulness by that little wood nymph. K Sally is such a tease! And, we found out Norm is into spanking while Zootie K is "legging" Chili Bean.
Bob "Hippo" Buhr is getting a serious puet whoopin' trying to get a shot of his Gal Sal. He may be trying to read the directions in a foreign language on the back of the camera. Hey Hip, just push the little black button!
Kuyas forever! Randy "Random" Roberts and Mike "Lulu" Gilson. The picture really tells the story of the Kuya brotherhood.
Mouse and Norm's dancing inspired Ronald "RAP" Perry to join in with the "get down".
Ken "Kram" Kramasic puts on a  typical guy look of rapt fascination or abject subjugation, depending on the situation, while listening to Bea "Ma" Campbell and his wife Kathy. Connie Orbin (far right) has already given up on Kram.
Bruce "Zoot" Suits displays his new K Sally hair while posing behind the couch. Does anyone remember the trick K Sally tried to play sneaking up on unwitting airmen from behind the couch. Zoot sure must have remembered.
Just so you get the full impact, here's a close-up of Zoot just after donning the hair and doing a "Walk Like an Egyptian"
Tony Leffin replaces Hippo with the camera on the patio. He, too, is getting kicked trying to read the back of the camera. Tony figured it was written in either Japanese or Korean. How the hell did Hippo get it in Wisconsin?
This page was last updated on: January 13, 2014
Center of pic: John "Rock" Blanton proudly displays the stripes on his fatigue shirt...Wow, a buck sergeant! Notice Rock can't button the front. Remember Bob "Walrus" Maki wore his 1505 top in Vegas and could button it!
I'm at a loss for words...Just a close-up of Norm's handiwork. Bet you won't miss the next reunion! Okay, which Kuya is this? Zoot, nah!, Turk Taylor, nah!, Lulu, Hippo, Fly, Mouse, Ralph Rotunno maybe...Rap, Tony?