Kuyas Reunion 2008 - BBQ and Picnic Pictures
Lulu Worshipping Norm? Giving Up? or Asking for an assessment of his deodorant?
Bob "Goat Roper" Strand and his cousin Billy Pribyl survey the field. This was Billy's first meeting with the Kuyas. He must have been thinking "I've been to the Tom Green County Fair and a goat rope and ain't never seen anything like this!
Lulu sports a T-Shirt from a bar in Hawaii he believes was named for him. Could have been!
Timmie Bear, Lulu, Mouse and Pooh Bear pose prior to the festivities. Let the Games begin!
The BBQ/Picnic was held on a beautiful St. Louis day in an very scenic public park. Here are some of the many pictures:
Joe "Cy" Cybulski shoots a Magoo and does it with hand on hip. Quite stylish as he always has been.
Franco and Neal preparing the Brats and Italian sausage on the BBQ grill. That was good eatin'.
Sara "Cupcake" Shirley and Bob Strand having a nice conversation.
Gary "Chicken Breast" Schade and his wife Joanne try to explain to Zoot that the reason the sun is in his eyes is because his hat is on backwards.
Ralph and Pat Rotunno
Mary and Bob Maki chat with Joanne Harris
Mary taking a picture of Si Bob Harris
Si Bob taking a picture of Mary
Hippo chats with Don "Newt" Newton and Bob "Walrus" Maki. Next to Hip is Mary Maki, Norm's gray head, Pooh Bear and Miki Collins
Ma Bea Campbell sitting with Cupcake but making sure all of her Animals are behaving.
Lance Ward and Daryll Ratliff cheezing for the camera while drinking Coors "Colorado KoolAid"
Satch Sexton explains the finer points of how to avoid bar fines to Randy "Random" Roberts and Ratman
Bruce "Zoot" Suits sporting his 292X1 Headset
T-Shirt. A fashion "must" for all ditty boppers that long to hear "Di dah ditty dah di dah ditty dit". Just like heading to Ops. This could be a X1 recruiting poster.
This page was last updated: January 13, 2014